Immortals Fenyx Rising PS5, Switch, Xbox & PC Game

Immortals Fenyx Rising: Greek mythology and video games name a more iconic duo from the god of war to hades some of the best games are based on the drama of the Olympian Gods and it seems that UbiSoft Quebec wanted to do more with these gods when they completed assassin’s creed, odyssey and moved on to Immortals Fenyx Rising, where the Olympians take center stage.

Immortals Fenyx Rising

You play as a greek warrior named Fenyx who can be male or female as they find themselves stranded on the golden isle of the gods whose essences have been stolen by Typhon an evil titan who was banished to Tartarus in order to stop his reign of terror. Fenyx must rescue aphrodite Athena Ares and Hephaestus to use their powers and defeat Typhon once and for all while the story takes a backseat to serve the gameplay what I found amusing was the banter between the two narrators Prometheus and Zeus Prometheus.

Being the main narrator while Zeus interrupts to complain about how long the story is or to talk about his many misdeeds they’re a fun bunch to listen to and they’re the stars of the show here other than that the story is about as simple as they come Fenyx finds the gods in a trapped state. They have to do quests to return the gods to their original form and then the gods join Fenyx to stop Typhon.

Immortals Fenyx Rising story

It’s not a complex story by any means but it does its job what i found rather strange though are the cutscenes they’re clearly going for a silly cartoon style but they’re held back by poor facial animations and awkward pauses between dialogue that doesn’t feel intentional in the slightest awkwardly enough. This rooster has more personality than the rest of the humanoid cast members do not be sorry be better while it is a bummer that they didn’t fully commit to the silliness of the story.

I didn’t care about it much while I was playing the game itself now I jumped between three platforms while playing immortals those being PC, Playstation 5, and Nintendo Switch in that order, and thanks to UbiSoft connect I was able to transfer my save files between all platforms seamlessly I’ll cover each version of the game later but this cross-save feature went off without a hitch.

I hope to see more games implement this feature in the coming year’s gameplay-wise immortals take quite a bit of inspiration from the legend of Zelda breath of the wild and that you can climb up any surface and glide to your destination.

Even the plot is similar where you’re trying to get the help of four allies to defeat a tyrannical foe only this time you have to do the story missions in order and can’t just go to the final boss at the very beginning thankfully the game does not feel limited. As a result of this structure because once you finish the intro and get to the hall of the gods the golden isle becomes yours to explore save a further final region and wish you’ll have to rescue the Olympians before you enter.

What I really liked about a breath of the wild was that it was easy to know where you were at all times even without a compass and that was thanks to both in part to its colorful art style and its intentional geographical design. Where you could look at something as minuscule as a tree and think oh I would like to go there and if you ever did get lost you could find a high peak and see most of the land the same can be said for the golden isle and immortals. Where you can find points of interest without even looking at the map screen.

However, if you want to know what lies ahead of you you can go into the first-person mode and reveal some of the landmarks it admittedly takes some of the mystery out of the exploring but it’s an option that I still used frequently out of all the things I’ve done in Immortals Fenyx Rising exploring the island was my favorite I loved marking waypoints on my map to a new challenger puzzle and getting lost on the way.

They’re picking up any items or health-increasing ambrosia I came across the island is filled with numerous treasure chests puzzles and challenge rooms called vaults of Tartarus in layman’s terms.

These are like a breath of the wild shrines and that they’re dedicated levels that give you puzzles to solve and combat trials to overcome. Though you can see the clear inspiration of the shrines in these vaults.

They’re not one-to-one recreations these are physics-based puzzles that involve moving boulders through gusts of wind controlling arrows mid-flight to go through rings gliding through a series of platforms. While avoiding lasers and so much more completing these vaults will reward you with Zeus’s lightning upon completion which you can use back at the hall of gods to increase your stamina.

You’re going to need it if you want to climb and glide for longer considering it takes anywhere between five to seven lightning shards to upgrade your stamina I did not complete a lot of these vaults in a row despite enjoying most of them. They’re better to do every once in a while to avoid burnout because while some vaults are short and sweet others take a while to complete due to their length or overall challenge instead of going to actively search for Tartarus vaults.

I preferred to explore the island looking for treasure chests guarded by vicious monsters combat in immortals is similar to Ubisoft Quebec’s last game assassin’s creed odyssey, where the right triggers and shoulder buttons are used to attack the left trigger equips the bow and holding. The left shoulder button unleashes some powerful special moves in a way. This is odyssey’s combat with a godly twist and on all platforms, it feels tight responsive and you can pull off some cool-looking combos with the special moves at your disposal Fenyx has a sword and axe equipped.

With the sword dealing light damage and the axe dealing heavy damage the axe will also increase an enemy’s stun meter and once that fills up. They’re open for some hardcore beatings you can also increase their stun meter by throwing rocks or shooting arrows at them you can get quite creative with the powers you have and killing enemies will reward you with materials to upgrade your weapons. The inventory in immortals is unique because not one armor set or sword is necessarily better than the other they just have different perks for example.

There is a sword that deals higher damage while Fenyx is in the air while another sword can deal higher damage at the end of a combo attack then there is armor that increases your stamina armor which raises your chance to pick up more materials and so on. There is gear for every type of encounter but I wasn’t inclined to keep swapping gear.

Before going into battle I just wanted to equip myself with armor and weapons. I thought were most useful for every kind of fight and I had no desire to keep opening menus every 5 or 10 minutes that said if you like a certain set of armor but don’t like how it looks that can be changed in the visual customization section.

Where you’re able to equip some gear and make it look like another set of gear I highly commend this feature and I hope to see more RPGs utilize this from now on and because this game used to be called gods and monsters. We can expect to fight a lot of those monsters can’t we typhoon’s monsters come in many shapes and sizes from cyclopses griffins and three-headed dogs when you get into the god vaults.

However, those are when you encounter the big threats like medusa and ozamine these battles can be tough if you’re not prepared which is why you’ll have to equip some potions that will refill your health stamina and give you added buffs and defense and offense.

Even if you don’t have the highest level of health or stamina the number of potions you craft and equip could still save your life. You’ll craft potions by gathering ingredients throughout the game world which is an additional incentive to put some quests on hold and explore the golden isle.

Immortals Fenyx Rising gameplay

Ultimately the gameplay loop is what I find the most satisfying about Immortals Fenyx Rising you go out into the world fight some monsters open a few treasure chests and use the items you’ve gathered to upgrade your health stamina potions, weapons armor, and abilities I am a huge fan of games that make you upgrade your character to their fullest potential and immortals does that incredibly well even though I’ve completed the main quest.

I still want to go out and solve more puzzles and find more treasure chests to make Fenyx the ultimate soldier because of this I do enjoy the myth challenges in the open world more so than the Tartarus vaults as they reward you with more than just Zeus’s lightning. My favorites being the Odysseus challenges where you guide your arrow through an order of rings the navigation challenges that task you with getting to a certain spot on the map within the time limit and the constellation challenges.

Where you have to put orbs in the correct slots the real challenge here is finding the orbs which are puzzles in themselves the myth challenges. I’m not too fond of are the liar challenges that make you memorize song notes hidden throughout a region and then you have to play them on that region’s giant harp I’ve had to pull out my phone and record these notes in order to remember them.

Yeah, they’re not fun then there are the fresco challenges which are literally sliding puzzles with four panels each because you’re just moving around and sliding each panel into the correct place. This makes them awfully repetitive and void of any fun all of these challenges will reward you with sharon coins, which you can use back at the hall of the gods to upgrade your combat skills and unlock more moves.

Since upgrading Fenyx is my favorite thing to do in this game completing these mundane tasks are worth it just to get these upgrades I absolutely love how exploration this game feels rewarding and makes you a more powerful character as a result but which platform should you play it on that’s the question to briefly cover my experience with each version.

Immortals Fenyx Rising graphics

The pc port was my least favorite of the three feelings unoptimized even though I’m well over the recommended specs with a ryzen 5 2600x processor and a 1660 ti graphics card and I’m only playing on 1080p moving over to the ps5was like entering another world a prettier world one with 4k 60fps goodness with some hdr on top the draw distances in the open world are spectacular.

I haven’t noticed any framerate dips in combat or traversal and though the game isn’t graphically intensive by any means the cel-shaded visuals of the colorful environments are. So gorgeous that even running around the aisle aimlessly is a feast for the eyes. So it’s only natural that my first thought when booting up the switch port was oh that’s a lot of fog obviously this version out of all the versions was going to look the least impressive but what disappoints me about the Switch.

Switch port is the frame rate that dips noticeably even when not much is going on I do hope UbiSoft releases a patch to help improve the performance on the switch but it’s still a viable port the frame rate dips don’t hinder the experience that much. If at all so in the end, I was still playing the same game as I was on PS5 and PC, and the best part is that there is gyro aiming.

You’ll have to go into the control settings to turn it on as it isn’t set to default and thankfully it works well oddly the PS5 seems to lack this option in general the dual sense controller isn’t utilized as well as it could have been in immortals with only slight vibrations being felt in the triggers. When you use your weapons and are climbing so it looks like that’s one thing the switch port has over the PS5 port that being gyro to aiming.

Of course, the benefit of playing on the Switch in a handheld mode which doesn’t look or run any better or worse than it does in docked mode even though I prefer playing this game on PS5. I will definitely play it on the Switch whenever my wife is using the tv or when I’m traveling so in short the Switch version of immortals Fenyx rising has its shortcomings but you’re still getting the same game that’s on the other platforms on the same day.

It releases which is a rare thing to come by these days in conclusion immortals Fenyx rising is an ambitious yet flawed experience the story isn’t that interesting and some of the puzzles aren’t very fun but the gameplay loop is what keeps me coming back for more the simple act of finding treasure chests is enough for me to want to complete. All the challenges and battle every creature that stands in my way it takes the right amount of influence from the breath of the wild’s exploration.

While also feeling like it’s own unique experience though I beat the main quest already I still have so much more to explore and many more upgrades to unlock. I liked Immortals Fenyx rising and while I don’t think it’s a generation-defining masterpiece that will be remembered for ages to come. It’s still a fun romp throughout a vast open-world with so much to do no matter which platform you play it on.

I personally prefer the PS5 version but switch players won’t miss out on anything with their respective port with that.

immortals fenyx rising game

immortals fenyx rising

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