Spider Man Miles Morales by Sony Interactive Entertainment

Spider man miles morales for PlayStation 5:  You know that I hold Marvel’s spider-man for ps4 in high esteem it was my game of the year pick for 2018.

Spider Man Miles Morales

Spider-man is also one of the great experiences that I had on the ps4 and when miles morales was announced as a PlayStation 5 launch title I was beyond excited spider man miles morales isn’t just a ps5 offering. However, the game is also releasing on ps4 so what exactly sets it apart from its last-generation version the PlayStation 5 version of miles morales is dramatically improved over its ps4 counterpart.

The addition of ray tracing makes scenes feel much more realistic and believable moment-to-moment gameplay in the ps5 version looks better than cut scenes in the ps4 version. It’s clear that insomniac heavily optimized Spider Man Miles Morales for the Ps5 rather than just porting the game over with minimal improvements. If you don’t care about retracing you can turn on the ps5 exclusive performance mode instead which ditches the advanced illumination and reflection effects in favor of a doubled frame rate.

Bringing the game to 60 frames per second at 4k resolution as someone who is very sensitive to changes in frame rate I thought I’d prefer this option but I found myself heavily favoring the 30 frames per second fidelity mode instead of retracing is a game-changer for me having a steady smooth frame rate is good but a consistent 30 frames per second with no noticeable dips and truly next-gen visuals proved too.

Alluring for me to pass up Spider man miles morales says enhancements aren’t just skin-deep. However, it’s clear insomniac also optimized their first ps5 outing to take advantage of the console’s built-in SSD load times and miles morales are practically non-existent when you start up the game and continue your save it loads faster than any modern game. I’ve ever played we’re talking super nes load speeds fast traveling between spots on the map is the same story.

Miles Morales gameplay

I miss the cool subway animations from the original spider-man but I’d trade them for blazing fast load times any day of the week the tech powering, the latest spider-man is undoubtedly impressive but what about the gameplay fear not to spider man miles morales is every bit as competent as 2018’s spider-man swinging around Harlem. Feels every bit as incredible as its predecessor and fights are still just as gratifying.

If a bit easier if you aren’t familiar with miles, he gains his spider powers in a way quite the same as the Peter Parker original, having been bit by a spider. However, unlike the original Spider man miles morales spider imparts some additional powers one is called venom strike which allows him to imbue his attacks with electricity the other allows him to turn himself invisible venom strike makes quick work of opponents, and as you level up and improve it through the skill tree.

You’ll be using repeated electric attacks lowering the game’s overall difficulty initially I was worried that I would think the game was too easy thanks to miles advantages but instead, it made me feel as though I was helping miles master his powers. By the end of the game, I feel he had fully grown into the role of spider-man that feeling fits well with the narrative theme of miles morales. As well the game starts out with peter deciding to take a much-needed vacation following the events of 2018’s spider-man.

Spider Man Miles Morales story

Some time has passed since and Peter has trained miles in how to use his powers properly from that point forward. You have free reign over Harlem the map feels significantly smaller than that found in spider-man but it’s packed with things to do. There are training challenges to complete loads of costumes to unlock and collectibles scattered throughout the city on my first run. I ignored most of these and focused on getting through the story which took me about 15 hours more while indulging in a few distractions.

Along the way given its quality it’s easy to forget that spider man miles morales is not a full-fledged game it’s rare to see a triple-a-game spawn a standalone side story but the insomniac has absolutely done their 2018 original justice. The inclusion of a new game-plus system is good, it also giving you the ability to restart back at the very beginning with a significantly powered up spider-man.

Overall my only complaint about spider man miles morales is that I wish it was a bigger game mile is such a well-written character and he oozes personality compared to Peter Parker his interactions with his family and friends. Do a much better job imparting the sense that miles care deeply about the community he defends his desire to pick up the mantle of spider-man makes more sense and as a result, I took more enjoyment in advancing his plot than I did peter’s in 2018 as a game.

As a next-gen launch title, Spider man miles morales absolutely holds up as a technical showcase. It does an excellent job showing off the Ps5’s horsepower and ridiculously fast load times as a game outside of those technical feats. It’s remarkably competent and a ton of fun to play even if I felt it was over a little too soon I like miles morales a lot and regardless of which platform you pick it upon.

spider man game

spider man miles morales

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