Dinosaur with 500 teeth, Dinosaurs skeleton, Dinosaur fossils

Dinosaur remains have been found in the quarry before but the new commotion about prehistoric lizards. Seriously interferes with work patterns in Custer’s quarry. Now we’ll see the back end rear up and then over there you can see the three toes very clearly well we could cover it up.

Dinosaur animal

Again put it all through the shredder that would really make me a villain but then at least it would all be over then you’d have gravel but no dinosaur feet either that or auction it off on eBay to see which museums would pay the most likely and the last alternative is to preserve. We’ll just have to see won’t we no yeah Klaus Custer wants a fence put around the site.

Dinosaur animal

So that no trespassers can get onto his property he warns the scientists that otherwise, he’ll destroy the traces as soon as work in the quarry is over Annetta Richter and her team of voluntary helpers is on site. These honorary archaeologists spend all their weekends here come rain or shine and it’s true we really do get in the way. This is a very sensitive and unusual situation.

We’ll be investing a few Sundays here doing a trial excavation the volunteers are pressed for time afraid that the owner might stop the digging. They try to secure and chart every trace as quickly as possible and there’s another snag some footprints have blurred outlines and cannot be attributed to any given animal other animals have walked over them destroying.

The original tracks the depth of the impressions and tracks close to one another tell us something about the relative weight. So the animals that left the traces that kind of information cannot be gleaned from the skeletons alone.

Dinosaurs skeleton

Dinosaur skeletons tell us what they were able to do in terms of their specific physiology but the tracks well what makes the dinosaur track. So particularly interesting to me that that this whole idea of that it’s fossilized behavior. You can really match up you have the skeletons you know what they look like and then suddenly these dead animals really come back to the life they start walking bones alone say nothing about the motions and behavior of the prehistoric lizards but Anetta Richter is fully aware that tracks without fossils present.

Dinosaurs skeleton

Just as incomplete a picture she turns to the natural history museum in Berlin looking for a little help from her friend Oliver Vings has been excavating in China for years. Recently a particularly large number of skeletons were found there in the basement of the dinosaur collection lie the products of excavations dating back a century and more the remarkable features here remind me of the fines, we made on-site in China.

We found a thigh bone too but very much bigger than this one probably about six feet long. Oliver Wings have recorded his excavations in outer Mongolia. He tells Aneta Richter about the extreme conditions in the dust of the desert the excavations lasted over three months but the paleontologists had to leave their fines behind because of the strict Chinese export regulations in the course of their excavations.


Along with the silk road Oliver things and his assistants think it’s likely that they found a sauropod see they all work the same shift so let’s see if we can find something else the big herbivores can be anything up to 35 meters long animals like the north German raptors have not yet been found in this region Anita Richter is impressed but she hasn’t really got any further given the numerous raptor finds in other parts of China.

Oliver encourages her to go out there herself here you can immediately see what it is yeah you sure can it’s a nice little tooth. It still has a serrated edge that’s right a proper serrated edge like a steak knife this was a predator dino in all probability in an allosaurid or something very close of course. We’re looking for true and taunted teeth, not allosaurid fangs.

Dinosaur with 500 teeth

Nigersaurus long-necked bizarre look dinosaur has more than 500 teeth.

They’re a bit smaller than the Chinese raptor finds a few years back involved a number of pioneering revelations about the dinosaurs. The skeletons are incredibly bird-like in the sense that they have uh wishbones. They have bony breastplates. They have all these attributes we see in modern birds combined with the specimens that we found in northeastern China.

Which we can really show that these animals were feathered and when I say feathered not just feathered with a downy sort of covering but feathered with the same sorts of feathers that you would see in a modern bird.

Dinosaur with 500 teeth

Dinosaur fossils

It’s a crucial insight if the urban Kieran raptors were relatives of the Chinese fines, they were probably also feathered the feet are the features most likely to prove whether they’re related to the north German troot on did are particularly remarkable for their toes. The second of which was a razor-sharp sickle claw that served as a weapon in China.

We hope that when we see these wonderful fossil remnants of the feathered dinosaurs raptors and those from urban Kia can match it would be proof positive. The north German dinosaurs were also feathered which means we’re going to have to reconstruct their entire habitat instead of being small and probably very colorful bird-like animals, diner birds as the Americans call them.

They would have ruled the roost here and at present, the best place to find out is in China. So, Anita Richter and Torsten Van der lubbe traveled to Beijing. In recent years China has become a mecca for paleontologists. They want a first-hand view of the spectacular finds made by their Chinese colleagues that way they’re confident.


They can establish precisely the outward appearance of their predators as one of the world’s leading experts on these bird-like dinosaurs at the Chinese academy of sciences. He studies their plumage and their physiology when we discovered the first feathery dinosaur in 1998 – 1999.

This is great species definitely a very beautiful spaceman so probably this will be the most important discovery. I know that next year I found another new species and even more important I said oh maybe this is over this is the end of other but other than uh the next year I had another new discovery in the preparation room of the institute.

Ching zhu shows his visitors one of his most famous finds a petrified baby true-ton did it comes astonishingly close to the idea. The scientists have of the north German raptor, so this is a melon spaceman who wants to take a look at the original. Yes, thank you mei long means peacefully sleeping dragon and does indeed have a sickle claw. It is well hidden but it means that the little predator is a member of the true donned species just like the animals from urban Kieran.

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