In Fire Emblem Three Houses, Which house is best for You?

While many have already decided which House they want to join in Fire Emblem Three Houses, there are likely just as many who haven’t yet decided. And this is kind of a big decision as it impacts the path the story will eventually take. But until that point, there’s still a wide-ranging cast that you can interact with and use on the battlefield.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

So we wanted to provide a quick breakdown of all 18 students with a short summation of their personalities and backstories, their unique Abilities, and their combat possibilities. Much of this information can be found in the game itself before choosing a House, but we wanted to have it available in one convenient space. So let’s begin with the Black Eagle House and its leader, Edelgard. Edelgard is the next in line to become Emperor of the Adreistian Empire. She can be seen as cold and distant to some, but the events of her past have driven her to that point.

Perhaps you can help her open up to her fellow students. Her personal Ability is Imperial Lineage which multiplies her experience earned by 1.2. She excels at Swords, Axes, Authority, and Heavy Armor making her a good choice for defensive classes like the Armored or Fortress Knights. She is also one of three female students whose players can achieve an S Rank as the female protagonist.

Hubert is completely devoted to Edelgard and will see to it that nothing happens to her, even if he has to threaten other students and teachers. He cares little for frivolity and has a personality that many would consider scary. His personal Ability is Officer Duty which increases the power of Gambits by 5 when using them. He excels at Bows, Reason, and Authority making him a fine choice for a mage.

In fact, his dark spells lend him naturally to the Dark Mage class though a Dark Seal is necessary to take advantage of this. Ferdinand is the son of the Adreistia’s Prime Minister, which is a point of pride for him. He constantly sees himself as a rival Edelgard and takes his future duty advising her seriously. He has the Confidence Ability which grants more accuracy and evasion when he has full health.

Ferdinand has no weaknesses when it comes to his skills making him versatile, but his proclivity toward riding makes him a good choice for a Cavalier and Paladin depending on which weapon you choose to focus on. Linhardt is an extremely intelligent young man that also tends to be extremely lazy. If a subject interests him, he’ll put in the effort but otherwise, he’d prefer to nap.

He also enjoys helping his friends as he doesn’t have to do the physical labor himself. His personal Ability is the Catnap, which allows him to recover 10% of his HP when choosing to wait in battle. He excels at Reason and Faith, making him a good choice for a Mage or Priest, often both depending on the situation. Linhardt is also the only male student that players can achieve an S Rank with as the male protagonist. Caspar is the second son in his noble family meaning that there’s nothing for him to inherit.

This makes him want to prove himself and understands having to work for what you want. Loud and boisterous, he’s always up to train or take down a bad guy. His Ability is Born Fighter, which causes enemies to have less evasion when he’s adjacent to them. He’s quite good with the new Brawler Skill, allowing him to use Gauntlets that can attack up to four times in a turn depending on his speed.

Bernadetta is the only daughter of a noble and a notorious shut-in. She is deathly afraid of making anyone angry and is quick to put herself down. Despite this, she enjoys a variety of activities and yearns to make friends. She did not know the way to go about it. Her Ability is Persecution Complex which grants her an attack bonus when not at full HP. Bernadetta is proficient at Lances and Bows and little else, but she makes for a fantastic Sniper.

Dorothea is the only commoner in the Black Eagle House and a former opera singer who used her connections to get into the school. She’s eager to find herself a good man in the hopes of settling down with him before her beauty fades. Her Ability is Songstress which allows adjacent allies to recover 10% of their max HP at the start of each turn. She excels at Swords and Reason which could potentially make her a fine Mortal Savant, which can use both.

Dorothea is also the second of three female students whose players can achieve an S Rank as the female protagonist. Petra is a young woman from the foreign nation of Brigid. As the granddaughter of its king, she is effectively a hostage though she tries her best to learn from Fodlan and help her home country. She can read the language effectively but still struggles to speak it.

Her personal Ability is Hunter’s Boon which grants a greater Critical chance when the enemy has less than half health. She also excels at many different weapons, and the Flying skill, which could help her become a Pegasus or Wyvern Knight. Alternatively, her high speed could help her become a devastating Swordmaster or Assassin. Next, up is the Golden Deer House led by Claude.

He’s a devious tactician who’s always thinking of road about conflict while extinguishing the air. Even though it might not be like it’s below the surface. His ability was the same as Edelgard, allowing him to get a little more experience. He excelled in the sword, bow, authority, and flights gave him a lot of choices in a way of growing as a warrior. Lorenz is the son of a noble family who considers himself a friendly woman.

He truly believed in his obligations with disappointment around him. Often, he failed to pay attention to what he did wrong. His personal ability is a distinguished house that allows him to handle two extra damage when in the formation with the battalion, making it a very good aide. He was also rather flexible, superior in Lance, reason, and rising. The third of this will make him a good dark knight once he reaches the master class.

Raphael was a commoner from the trader’s family who lost his parents at a young age. Even so, he was cheerful and optimistic and especially concerned with his sister’s training, eating, and care. His personal ability is a good basket that gives him the opportunity to recover 10% of the HP max at the beginning of each turn, based on the Fortune stat. He leads and, supports axes, gloves, and making heavy armor for fine armored knights. Ignatz is another son of the trader’s family who came to school since his brother was set to inherit the family business.

Even though he is not a fan of battle, he really enjoyed the art. His ability is a vigilant eye that naturally increases his accuracy with a significant margin. It is closely related to his strength with a bow making it a strong potential sniper. Lysithea is the daughter of a noble and youngest student at the monastery. He hates being seen as a child but is very smart all the same. He also really protects certain secrets.

He is not one for physical battles but his ability for a reason, faith, authority means he is effective from afar. Marianne is a very quiet young woman who rarely interacts with others, instead prefers to pray to the goddess or spend time with animals. Beyond it, most people don’t know much about him, and he certainly doesn’t offer. Fitly, his personal ability is a friend of animals where he will recover up to 20% of the cellphone maxes at the beginning of turn when adjacent to the cavalry or flying allies.

This also means he is superior in riding, flying, and faith. He can use the sword, but he might make a better priest. If you focus on the spear, he can finally be a holy knight as a master class. Hilda is the only daughter of great noble and therefore she becomes very spoiled and lazy. If there is a way to get out of work, he will definitely find it, but he is still a close ally for Claude, and trust him.

His personal ability was an advocate that allowed male allies adjacent to him to do 3 extra damage during the battle. Apart from his laziness, he was superior on the spear and ax even though he did not have the authority for the battalion. If given attention to his flying skills, he can make for Mr. Wyvern who is good. Leonie is a commoner from a small village that is very blunt and sees the protagonist as a rival.

At a young age, he met the legendary father of the protagonist who inspired him to become a mercenary. Considering yourself his first and best internship, he never retreated from a challenge. His ability is competition, which allows it to do 2 more damage and take 2 more damage when next to the male allies. Leonie has no disadvantage in terms of skills but she prefers spears, arcs, and riding, potentially making it a very good grade of a bow knight.

Finally, there is a Blue Lion House led by Dimitri, the son of the Crown of the Holy Kingdom of Fhargus. He lost his parents and many friends at a young age because of an event known as the Duscur tragedy. Even so, he prefers to display himself as a simple man even though he clearly hides a lot of pain. Like Edelgard and Claude, his ability to give him an extra experience.

His strength lies in the sword, spear, and the authority has the potential to allow him to go into several different directions without a clear road. Clean is a young man born in Duscur who has been served with Loyal Dimitri for the past four years. He often tried with his words and knew that there were many who did not believe in people in his country. But he ignored these words and focused on Dimitri’s protection.

His personal ability is the Staunch shield that allows him to increase his defense when choosing to wait in battle. Clean is heavy battles that are proficient in many heavy weapons and armor, making it healthy as armored knights. It is also possible to take advantage of its great strength to make a soldier or grappler. Felix is ​​the son of a noble family who puts combat skills above everything.

He cares a little for ado and instead focuses on someone’s battle skills, only respects those who have strength. He has a close relationship with Ingrid, Sylvain, and Dmitri though it seems to be more of a rivalry in the case of the latter. His Ability is Lone Wolf which allows him to do 5 extra damage when no Battalion is assigned to him. Felix thrives with Swords, Bows, and Gauntlets making him a good choice for the Hero or Swordmaster Classes.

Ashe is the adopted son of a noble though he was born a commoner. An earnest young man, he looks up to his father greatly and knows his way around a bargain. His Ability, Lockpick, allows him to open doors and chests on the battlefield without keys, making him a natural Thief. He excels with Axes and Bows though his only real weakness is Reason.

His chosen Class can really be whatever, but he seems to prefer the role of Wyvern Knight. Sylvain is the heir to a great noble family though there seems to have been complications in his past. He can be a loyal friend though he has a great weakness for women, often dating more than one at a time, much to the dismay of those around him. His personal Ability is Philanderer, which allows him to deal 2 extra damage and take 2 less damage when adjacent to a female ally.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Nintendo Switch

His only weakness his Bows but he has a love of Riding, making him an easy choice as Cavalier or Paladin. Mercedes was born to a noble family in the Empire but somehow ended up a commoner in the Kingdom. She is a soft-spoken young woman who can be quite ditzy yet pays close attention to those around her, wishing to take care of them as best as possible. She’s also best friends with Annette.

Mercedes’s personal Ability is Live to Serve which allows her to recover the same amount of HP she restores to another unit. She has little skill with weapons and prefers the use of Reason and Faith. Considering her Ability, she would excel as a Priest though Reason could also be focused upon to make her a Gremory Master Class. Mercedes is the last of the three female students who players can achieve an S Rank with as the female protagonist.

Annette is the niece of a noble who’s looking for someone in particular at the school. She excelled at a previous school of sorcery and is an extremely diligent worker though she lacks skills in the kitchen. She’s also best friends with Mercedes and the two are often seen together. Her personal Skill is Perseverance which allows her to Rally an ally in order to temporarily increase their strength.

Despite her proclivity toward Reason, she’s also quite handy with an Axe. No Class favors the two of those together so one will need to be focused on to bring her to her full potential. Finally, there’s Ingrid, the daughter of a noble and childhood friend to Felix, Sylvain, and Dimitri. She’s also possibly the most diligent of all of them though troubles at home often vex her, and she tries to hide this.

Her Ability is Lady Knight grants her extra power and accuracy when using a Gambit. She has no weaknesses when it comes to her Skills so it’s more of a matter of whether you’d prefer her as a cavalry unit or pegasus knight. Either way, she’s a solid all-around unit. And that’s all the students in each of the Fire Emblem Three Houses in the game. Each one brings something unique to the table and their stories are far more fleshed out than what we presented here. But which House will you ultimately choose? And, since you can recruit students to your own House, which characters will join you?

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fire emblem three houses

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