Dark Souls Remastered Walkthrough Switch, PS4 & Xbox One

Dark Souls Remastered: The switch is kind of the perfect platform to resurrect the greatest hits of the last generation as well the main selling point on other platforms is that they’re more HD.

Dark Souls Remastered

The gist with the switch is that every game is portable dark souls have about a doubt my favorite PlayStation 3 game and it’s not even close well apart from Demon Souls. So, to have Dark Souls finally playable or not only a Nintendo platform the one that you can take anywhere. It’s practically a dream come true it should be said though the term remaster is perhaps use kinda loosely.

Here the switch version doesn’t have many of the enhanced effects of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release and is instead more of a tidied up version of the vanilla. Dark Souls as said a lot of people myself included weren’t fond of the graphical changes made in the previous remaster the lighting and effects while technically upgraded made the art look worse. Especially with certain materials so by all means and purposes Dark Souls on the switch is the same bill from PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Only this time it’s a lot smoother the infamous Blighttown could be a slideshow on PlayStation 3 but here on the Switch. You’ll be hard-pressed to notice a difference when going from area to area Bandai Namco has crafted a really consistent version of Dark Souls 1 and hasn’t gone through or 100% playthrough on the switch. I still regard this as the best game in the trilogy compared to the original game. There are few quality-of-life improvements in my favor of being able to consume multiple Souls at once that seriously saves a lot of time all-in-all.

Dark Souls is mostly the same game that has always been what makes Dark Souls so good is that it constantly grows you grow your weapons grow your enemies grow the world grows, people often focus on the aspect of a challenge but the difficulty is merely a pillar of Dark Souls and what the difficulty really translates to is experienced much like an NES game such as Mega Man. Your first time through a level is sure to be full of death but with each failure comes a learning experience. You get better you learn and it’s rare to die in the same place.

Is Dark Souls remastered worth it?

Dark Souls is certainly a hard game but it’s not a cheap one enemy AI are not dynamic they’ll always fall for the same tricks and sometimes even fall literally. You can take advantage of them draw them out one by one and strafe around them for a backstab Dark Souls excels are making you feel good at the game. When all it really comes down to is learning patterns and mastering all the AI can and can do I spent far too long fighting night historias but once I got it patterned down, all I needed to do was dodge right when he Telegraph’s a vertical slash dodge backward.

When he Telegraph’s a horizontal one and hits him during a very slow attack, there are signs and clear solutions to every enemy and the boss in this game and when introducing a new enemy they’ll always do it on a one-on-one encounter. The challenge is practically every enemy does have the potential to kill you so even when dealing with the most basic encounter you should always be on guard and if you’re still having trouble you can use humanity. Try the Kindle a bonfire to give you more health refills or summon an AI or real-life player to help you out.

There’s a lot of challenges you’re never really alone to face in Dark Souls so, by all means, be ready to die and die again but there are always the tools to grow and assist yourself and nothing quite beats the feeling of finally taking down a towering boss. Do you spend the last hour attempting to master adding more tension to the Deaf system every time if you die in this game you’d lose all your souls which were essential, the currency of Dark Souls if you get back to your place of death you can simply claim them again but failing to do?

So, they’re gone forever and that is always crashing it can certainly be a punishing game but those punishments push you to be better in the world of this game Dark Souls. It is quite unlike any other is technically all open to explore from the get-go you can go straight from the world central area filing shrine to the catacombs be the extremely deadly skeleton should probably be an indication that’s well what you shouldn’t. But the important part is you absolutely can not only do the path often split off into different areas.

Is Dark Souls Remastered a good game?

They’re a huge part of Dark Souls that you never need a step further in entire areas with unique bosses and enemies or their own will likely never be seen by half the players it really highlights. How much care and passion was poured into Dark Souls and one of my favorite things is the entire structure of the world always makes sense in the context of your travel. There’s a staircase from the dark blue basin to the undead burg and Anna Londo connects the Duke’s archives.

There are shortcuts and easy accessibility points just about everywhere and the transition always makes sense the journey from the valley of the drags to the dark and gloomy Blighttown completely makes sense with the eerie build-up and when you look up in the sky implied town. You’ll see a ray of daylight that just fails to make it down to you meanwhile the tallest area and Orlando are baked in a Dale. I guess the word of Lordran is a character all its own.

It’s rare for the game to actually tell you what’s going on and so most of the time you’re just pushing forward much as you would in a Metroid or Castlevania game but secretly every area and boss has a deep law that’s never directly told by the game. You can either read up on it or interpret it yourself a great wolf SIF guards our grave with a giant sword but what does this mean in terms of story the game won’t directly tell you. But if you invest yourself outside of simple direct communication then you’re informed of the deeper stories of any game.

Even the few NPCs of the world don’t do much to enlighten a linear style of storytelling one of the first characters instructs you to ring more the two bells but that’s just about all the directional guidance. You’re ever given it’s a game that trusts you to not only work out where to go on your own but also work out what’s happening on your own and it can be absolutely fascinating to see different interpretations of the story, from different people.

What is different about Dark Souls remastered?

Just be wary the not every NPC has friendly intentions some speak the truth but others would like you down a hole and your interactions with them can have permanent changes on the world and its surroundings. You can even outright kill characters and they won’t come back don’t kill blacksmith. So, how does this all work on a portable to put it simply incredible.

Well, Dark Souls is infamous for not being able to pause with the Sneed button being a mere inch away it’s never been easier to put Dark Souls down and pick it back up again even while in the midst of a fight sure other platforms have a form of sleep mode but the Ps4, in particular, is far too slow to be used in quite the same way.

Dark Souls game consumes your mind while lying in bed I’d often think about areas I hadn’t explored yet and because of how flexible the switch is those thoughts became actions even though the switch has been with us for more than a year is still remarkable to such a vast world in the palm of your hands and this kind of flexibility elevates Dark Souls to new heights. It is a shame that some other aspects won’t quite be tailored for the switch though the default Rumble is frankly too strong and why you can turn it down to a more pleasing amount.

It makes me wish they went all the way to provide actual HD Rumble support this is just the same buzz all versions have so you can remap every single button in the game apart from two very key ones. Dark Souls on the Switch defaults b2b excerpts and a to be canceled and this cannot be changed forever reason this set aside a long effort to become accustomed to and early on even resulted in a few deaths. Where try to pick up an item only to fall off an edge the button layout is the exact same as other versions of Dark Souls but a should always be confirmed.

It’s an unwritten rule for games on intended platforms and while I did get used to its overtime I shouldn’t have had to and that’s really the only blemish almost otherwise a brilliant but perhaps a little safe port. There’s nothing really new here you get the Ettore us of the abyss DLC a better frame rate and the abilities to play the game on the go but all an old Dark Souls on the switch is very much the same game from 2011.

Is Dark Souls remastered harder than the original?

There is an exclusive Amiibo for Solaris Stora these essentially just a quick map for the praise the sunny mouse a cool egg strap and it doesn’t meet this version stand out. So, Dark Souls and the switch is basically just dark souls on the switch and as perfectly fine with me, the most miraculous part is even after two sequels and blood-borne. The Original Dark Souls doesn’t feel at all dated it would have been nice to roll in more free-flowing directions like in the sequels but that would have likely thrown the boss of balance.

So, I get why it wasn’t in there what’s here works and the core of Dark Souls the combat is still on the most satisfying systems of any game whether you’ve worked up your magic build and shoot from afar or focus on threading close quarters melee action. Dark Souls reminds you why it’s the best in the biz. I absolutely love Dark Souls despite spending over 150 hours with the original.

I gladly did everything again and now I’m ready for a new game plus it’s a sprawling RPG but it doesn’t Pat itself out and every single sector of this world justifies itself much like Chrono Trigger. Dark Souls doesn’t sit around my playthrough clocks in at 33 hours and that’s doing absolutely everything but there’s still more to come back to it’s an infinitely playable game.

Where you can take different routes and continue to grow your character from play through to play through and the likelihood is every single time you’ll find something new. I’ve always loved Dark Souls and playing it on switch makes it feel new again if you love adventure games and want a world you can really lose yourself in then you really don’t need to look any further prepare to die and profess love every minute of it.

dark souls remastered game

dark souls remastered

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